Hello, I’m Marty. Welcome to my corner of the internet.

Martin Robinson Martin Robinson

Feeling Weak?

Sometimes you’ll have a day when you are just feeling weak. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. Something-ally. Here is a list of Bible verses that you will find comforting. The more you read these verses in context, the richer they are, and the more you will find them encouraging. But even in isolation without context, you will find them helpful and encouraging. Take comfort.

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Who is Marticles?

I'm Martin, an ordained Anglican Minister of the Reformed/Evangelical persuasion, with a passion for Christian theology, ministry, and—somewhat randomly—life hacks. 

What can you expect from this blog? A smorgasbord of topics that I felt like writing about.

Stick around, explore, and feel free to reach out with any questions or topics you'd like to see covered. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you find some of this content helpful.