Philippians: Big Ideas, Main Points, Applications
Sometimes, when I’m reading a book of the Bible, I don’t necessarily want a full commentary detailing every thing that could be known about that book. Sometimes, I just want some basic pointers. Especially for me personal Bible reading.
The big idea. The main points. The main application. That kind of stuff.
At the moment, we’re working our way through Philippians at Hope Church, in our sermons, our Bible Studies (we call them Hope Groups), and at Sunday Morning Youth.
In preparation for this series, I decided to try and nut out what I thought was the big idea, the main points, and the application.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll probably have some questions or reservations about what I’ve written. It’s not perfect. Often when I go through my own work, I do too!
Nevertheless, I always find it helpful seeing how other people have gone about this process, so I reckon it has the potential to be helpful for you, even if you don’t agree with me, or if you can do a better job.
But with the intent of being helpful, here’s a simple breakdown of each passage we’ll be working through:
Philippians 1:1-11
Big Idea: When it comes to God’s work in our gospel partners, there is a lot we can be thankful for and pray for.
Main Points:
Paul’s continual praise point: God is at work in his loyal gospel partners as they await Christ’s return (1:3-8)
Paul’s continual prayer point: that the love of Christ will equip them as they await his return (1:9-11)
Key Application: As we await Christ’s return, let’s keep giving thanks and praying for our gospel partners.
Philippians 1:12-20
Big Idea: When the gospel is shared, whether in prison, out of rivalry, or out of goodwill, we should rejoice.
Main Points:
Persecution leads to fearless gospel sharing (1:12-14)
Whether from love or ambition, what matters is that the gospel is shared (1:15-17)
So, rejoice (1:18-20)
Key Application: Rejoice when the gospel is shared, whether in prisons, out of rivalry, or out of goodwill.
Philippians 1:21-30
Big Idea: Since we can’t lose, live lives worthy of the gospel.
Main Points:
Live or die, we can’t lose (1:21-26)
Live lives worthy of the gospel, standing, striving and suffering for Christ (27-30)
Key Application: Stand, strive and suffer for Christ.
Philippians 2:1-11
Big Idea: We are called to be joy-completers who pursue love, humility and unity, like Jesus, whom God exalts for his glory.
Main Points:
Be joy-completers, thinking unity, love, humility, others (2:1-4)
Be Christ-imitators, thinking sacrifice, humility, obedience (2:5-8)
It’s Jesus we exalt (2:9-11)
Key Application: Pursue humility and love like Christ, whom we seek to exalt.
Philippians 2:12-18
Big Idea: In light of Christ’s obedience, show that God’s salvation is at work in you by serving with gladness and rejoicing, not grumbling and arguing.
Main Points:
Show that God’s salvation is at work in you (12-13)
Shine as you serve, without grumbling or arguing (14-16a)
Shine as you serve, with gladness and rejoicing (16b-18)
Key Application: Shine as you serve, with gladness and rejoicing, not grumbling and arguing.
Philippians 2:19-30
Big Idea: With joy and gladness, we should welcome and honour people like Timothy and Epaphroditus, people who serve Jesus’ interests above their own, risking their lives.
Main Points:
Timothy serves Jesus’ interests, not his own (19-24)
Epaphroditus risked his life to help other Christians (25-27)
Welcome and honour people like this with joy and gladness (28-30)
Key Application: Welcome and honour people like Timothy and Epaphroditus, with joy and gladness.
Philippians 3:1-11
Big Idea: Keep rejoicing in the Lord and what he has done, not in status or achievement.
Main Points:
Keep rejoicing in the Lord (3:1)
Don’t rejoice in status or achievement (3:2-6)
Set them aside to know Jesus, his death and resurrection (3:7-11)
Key Application: Look for joy in Jesus and what he has done, not in achievement and status.
Philippians 3:12-4:1
Big Idea: Stand firm by pressing on toward the prize of salvation and waiting eagerly for what is to come.
Main Points:
Press on toward the prize of salvation (3:12-16)
Wait eagerly for what is to come (3:17-21)
Stand firm with this in mind (4:1)
Key Application: Stand firm, pressing on and waiting eagerly.
Philippians 4:2-9
Big Idea: Stand firm as one, rejoicing because God is trustworthy, and pursuing excellent thoughts.
Main Points:
Stand firm united
Stand firm rejoicing
Stand firm trusting
Stand firm excellently
Key Application: Pretty much the big idea.
Philippians 4:10-23
Big Idea: Whatever the circumstances, stand firm in his strength, partnering with others.
Main Points:
Stand firm whatever the circumstances (10-12)
Stand firm in his strength (13)
Stand firm through partnership (14-23)
Key Application: Pretty much the big idea.