Hello, I’m Marty. Welcome to my corner of the internet.
How to Crush Teamwork
I hate it when people talk about teams. I find it cringe. At my school, the classrooms used to have posters that said stuff like, “Teamwork. Teamwork. Team work. Teams work.” Or “Teamwork makes the dreamwork.” So so lame.In youth and kids’ ministry, we’re aiming to help youth and kids become like Jesus to the glory of God. This means helping them grow in their faith as we read the Bible and pray, being focussed on mission and inviting people to know Jesus, creating a welcoming atmosphere, and being active in serving.
Is The Great Commission is for All Disciples?
Matthew 28:18-20, often referred to as the Great Commission, is a pivotal passage for understanding Christian mission. Sometimes I hear people saying that it doesn’t apply to all Christians, just the disciples, those immediately present with Jesus when he said what he said. Therefore, unless we are “evangelists”, we are “off the hook” when it comes to evangelism.
Who is Marticles?
I'm Martin, an ordained Anglican Minister of the Reformed/Evangelical persuasion, with a passion for Christian theology, ministry, and—somewhat randomly—life hacks.
What can you expect from this blog? A smorgasbord of topics that I felt like writing about.
Stick around, explore, and feel free to reach out with any questions or topics you'd like to see covered. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you find some of this content helpful.